Friday 28 February 2014

Mission Statement and Logo Design Overview Part 1 - Design Brief and Research

Mission Statement - Avalon

The mission for the company is to produce and promote games, which are part of a fantasy world. The main games that will be produced by this company will be medieval based games (Swords and sorcery button bashing).

Logo Design

For my assignment I need to create a logo for a games company, and to come up with a logo I looked up a good method that use a series of stages to do a good logo:
  • Design Brief
  • Research
  • Sketching and Conceptualising
I had a list of five different made up companies to chose from, then from there start going through the series of stages and eventually come up with the final product. I chose AvAlon out of the list, as I felt I had the best knowledge and ideas to come up with the best possible logo. The company games are based on swords and sorcery (button bashing) combat.

Design Brief
As this was a made up company are client was our teacher, where he did give us on what the logo should be based on through the assignment brief, but no sort of specific design to the logo, as long as it was associated to the company.

Three main designs:
  1. Two swords sheathed behind a shield, either with the name of the company within the shield or just below it.
  2. A circle with the name of the company.
  3. A placard for the base, then with a design going around the edges, and the company name within.

To start of with the research from help from my teacher, him and I discussed different ideas to start up my designs for the logo.

I first started the research with the name AvAlon on the internet, and the name was to do with  a legendary island featured in the Arthurian Legend. So I thought this would be a great idea to use to help with my designs.

To think of the best strategy to come up with a design using everything I could find from the Arthurian Legend and breaking apart the logo design I was roughly thinking of, and then doing detailed parts of each sections of it; such as different sword designs (Excalibur), shields, staffs, style of text ETC.

Also researching on companies that do same or similar sort of game to my company, such as:
  • WOW(World of Warcraft)
  • LOL(League of Legends)
  • Lord of the Ring Online
  • Dungeon and Dragons Online
  • Guild Wars 2
And thoroughly researching these logos has also given me more ideas on what my full product might look like.

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